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Friday, May 25, 2007,

Happy 14th Birthday to my sis Rhiena Mye Pardo Cogtas!


5/25/2007 09:05:00 PM

Thursday, May 24, 2007,

Hellos ppl!! XD

Yesterday was a TIRING day! Had nafa test!didnt train for it! actually i didnt really care about it. haha! Then after assembly started doing all the Stations. My first station was Pull-ups! I did 3 vertical pull ups onli! so embarassing ok! hahas! then next was sit and reach.. i got 44 cm! not bad already. hahas. then my favourite part was Standing broad jump! I got 200++cm. i think its around 260-270? hahas. then the next station was Shuttle run! Wahlau! i tell you ah. The teacher was so mean lah! he ask me to go run, then when i finish running then he said" Opps! sorry! i forgot to time!" WTH can? i wasted my energy for nothing lah! hahahas! but in the end i got 9.24 sec! good enough already! hhhehehe.. And the last station was sit-ups! saw ___ there! (: She was damn nervous! i can see from the look of her face hahas, so i wished her goodluck and told her not to worry. then it was our turn! i wasnt feeling nervous or what. Marius was my partner! crapped with him while i was doing my sit-ups! i`m pro ok! still can crap while doing sit ups! lols! in the end i did 60! good enough! hahas! (:After doing all the stations, we went straight to the canteen! darn hungry! lols! after eating went back to class, slacked there for 2 hours! then after that was Dismissal! BUT.. still have floorball training.. i didnt train coz my leg hurts like Hell! and i dont knw why. hahas. mayb bcoz of nafa! so during training slacked around with Alyanna and auriel, coz they were oso not feeling well, so i chatted with them for like 3 hours? then after training. went straigth to the canteen to wait for ___ to finish her CCA. Khairul stayed with me, and the rest all went home. so waited for pillow, then around 6.30 we all went home. ___ suggested that we eat our dinner at rail mall. so we went there walked around. and then saw this kopitiam. so we had dinner there. the laksa was NICE! (: after eating, sent ___ home then i went home. Home sweet home! hahas. thats all about yesterday!

And today i watched Pirates of the Carribean The worlds End! It was freaking nice! ((((:

Thats all for today!

Bye! (:


5/24/2007 07:06:00 PM

Tuesday, May 22, 2007,

Hey people!! (: Today`s quite a boring day for me. went to school as usual meet the same people.(hahas ofcourse, what to expect.. its SCHOOL) ok i`m lame lols. anyways, today we had an excurssion(sp?) to Changi Airport. Maths Trail!! Wah, i tell you ah, its was freaking boring! Teamed up with Marius,Stanley,Fuad and me. Fuad was our Team leader. OMG i cant believe it lah. hahahas. waited for the bus in the canteen, we waited for the bus for like 30 minutes? damn long lah. some more very stuffy in the canteen alot of ppl -.-" then after all the classes had boarded the busses, we were the last 1 to go off and we got the so called "high class" bus! Lols. Then traveled from school to Changi for like 35 minutes? i was expecting it to be longer lah. coz i wan to sleep in the bus longer XD. After awhile, we finally reached the airport! Same old airport-.- damn sians. The instructor was darn what lor. so me,stanley,marius and fuad decided to wander around the airport without the instructor knowing where we going! lols. took the sky train to the other terminal, wandered around took some random pictures. then saw our instructor, we tried to hide, but got caught by 1 of our classmates darn her larh -.-" hahahas, anyways we went to alot of stations, fuad was our team leader, but he didnt even write a single thing in his paper! he was supposed to write all the answers for our group. darn retarded la he. slack 1 corner talk crap -.-" we ended up copying other team`s answers. hahahas. we were like "Eh! eh! whats the answer leh? eh! tell me leh!" lols.. darn retarded lah. hahahas. then after we finished all our stations, we went to the viewing corner to do some feedback crap forms. i tell you i fill up the form halfway... i fell asleep! lols.. seriously ah. it was freaking boring.(except for the Bus Rides!) hahahas. then after filling up the forms, it was time for us to go back to school! i was so delighted to hear that word from the instructors! i was waiting for that word to come out from their mouths! hahahas! (: Went back to school. saw my pillow,ann,khairul and caryl. Ok this part i shall skip. we chatted and slacked for like 3 hours in school ate our lunch there. and then we decided to go to westmall to buy some stationaries for my pillow! took the bus with auriel,rhiena,khairul,azmin,mary,amanda, me and my pillow (: Then Khairul,azmin,me and my pillow went to westmall and the others went back home coz it was getting late already. so, we wandered around westmall, then went to popular to buy some stuffs, met ann then my pillow bought me a Orange notebook with my fav number on it! Thanks darling! (: Then we went home after that. Sorry darling i wasnt able to send you home today. coz my mum was asking me to come back home early -.-" sorry yah? (: Thats all for today (:

Byes ppl! (:


5/22/2007 08:42:00 PM

Monday, May 21, 2007,

Ok, here are the pictures as promised. hahas some of the pictures may look retarded, but yeah nvm! hahahas (:
Top picture: From top to bottom- Me,Rhiena,Auriel,Wanjun,Ann.
2nd Top Picture:From Left to Right- Ann,Rhiena,Wanjun and me! (:
3rd picture: Its Us again! hahas (:
Ok those are the pictures we took during CAC party. Theres more but i lazy to post it here, so yeah (:
I`ll end here.
Bye ppl!


5/21/2007 08:51:00 PM

Ok, i shall update about Friday. On that day, our papers came out. AND I failed maths! Ahhh! Crap! Studied hard, but still fail omgoodness.. hahas anyways, after school went straight to the Reflection room for a briefing about the CAC party. i tell you jerome was darn hilarious! hahas he got pissed off coz of emmanuel! lols. And started scolding him. i tell you, Emmanuel`s laugh is darn creepy. o.o hahas. After the briefing went straight to the bus stop to send my pillow home and Caryl, stopped at rail mall, coz Caryl wants to buy some things at cold storage. and we walked passby this icecream store, pillow asked me to buy for her icecream, And i did. hahahas. you and your puppy eye look! hahas cant stand it! lols. Okays, after waiting for her to finish her icecream. we send caryl home. i accompanied pillow to her bus stop, then i went home to prepare myself for the CAC party. i was in a rush, coz i didnt see the time. lol I rushed back home and then bathe,change, then off to the party! hahas, i took a taxi coz i was scared that i would be late! hahas. but then in the end i wasnt! i was early. hahas.Then i waited for my pillow to come at the bus stop. then we all went to the Function room all of us were looking great! hahahas. Especially my Pillow! :D:D Then we ate our dinner. Fried rice and the Spaghetti were so nice! Thanks to Ann`s and Alyanna`s mum! The foods were very delicious! (: After that. we had some little presentation knowing who is the new Exco`s For CAC. CONGRATS TO THOSE PEOPLE! hahahas.After the presentation. We had our GAMES! played husband and wife and mistress and day & night. During the game Day&night My pillow catched me. hahahas! you knw me that well do you? or is it the emmanuel helped you? hehehe XD. Ok after the games we took some pictures, Mayb later i`m gonna post it. coz now i need to go meet my pillow! hahas
Bye ppl! (:


5/21/2007 04:07:00 PM

Today Nth much to update. I`m stuck at home for the whole day. darn boring i tell you. Ok lah, shall update next time. Bye ppl (:


5/21/2007 03:50:00 PM

Wednesday, May 16, 2007,

Oh yes at last.. a blog of my own.. Nyahaha! (: But still new to all these things. so yeah.. need peoples help.. hehe (:

5/16/2007 07:38:00 AM
