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Saturday, July 21, 2007,

Hey people! I`m just bored staying at home for the whole day coz i`m sick.. ><"
So i shall post some random questions..

Name the 12 people you would best think of right now.

4:timothy teo
5:Kathleen Gacad
6:John Mari Pecson

Q: Have you ever kissed 12?
NO. -.-""
Q: What's the best memory you have of 9?
Q: When's the next time you're gonna see 4?
Q: Is number 1 cool?
YES! She`s hyper,Loud,And Lovable (:
Q: What was your first impression ofnumber 8?
Anti Social(?) But i was wrong.. LOL
Q: How did you meet 3?
I dont really remember =\
Q: Is 10 your best friend?
A Friend only?
Q: Have you seen 6 running around like a maniac?
Nope, hahahas
Q: Where does 5 live?
Uhhhhhh... Choa chu kang
Q: What is the last thing you did with 12?
Morning Duty? hahas
Q: Have you ever been in 2's house?
YEAP! (:
Q: Would you ever kiss number 11?
OHHH NOOO~! HAHAHAS! (: I`m not gay!
Q: Have you ever slept in the same bed as 5?
NO, 6 will kill me
Q: When's the next time you'll see 10?
Q: Are you really close to 4?
Q: Have you ever kissed 7?
NO, I`m already attached (:
Q: Have you ever been to the movies with 3?
Yes~! hahahas! (:
Q: Have you ever got in trouble with 8?
Nope! I`m a good boy! hahas
Q: When's the last time you saw 6?
Q: Do you even know 9?
Yeap! teddy bear!
Q: Would you give number 11 a hug?
yes! yes!
Q: have you ever kissed number 1?
It`s for me to know and For you to find out (:

People who must do this:


7/21/2007 04:02:00 PM

Saturday, July 14, 2007,

This week was fun! Had mission week!

It was a 2 day workshop(?) hahas so here`s what happen on that day...

Day 1:

In the morning after our assembly, the whole NA/NT class went up to the boy`s town study area, met all the people from novena church! they were friendly and nice people! and cool too! (:
Then after we had settled down they introduced themselves i cant really remember their names already so yeah, nvm XD Anyways, after that. we played games! the first game we played was the battle of the sexes! LoLs! Damn funny! i`m lazy to eloborate so yeah, i`ll skip that part (: Anyways after the game, suddenly got this 1 afro guy came in the room his entrance music and his so called "catwalk" was darn cool lah! hahahas! his name was "Dr.Love! hahahas! He told us the 5? or 6? stages on how to hold hands with your partner and we talked about sex and the 12 stages of a relationship. LOLS And after that, we talked about Religions. And It made me realise something.. so yeah (: skipp that part (:Then after that went to the canteen to have our reccess 1 hour! wooo! that was nice! hahahas Then after recess, that whimp/f*ggot/s*cka pass me a letter to give to Natalie~ And you know what he wrote? go ask Natalie! LoLs.. it`s something like this..

"Natalie.. You`re the only one in my heart.. i`ve been waiting for you.. if you want me.. just tell me!" and blah blah blah

So"..........." lah lols...

Anyway, after school passed the letter to Natalie.. And Natalie was like... "Eeeeeewwwwwww" lols.

That Fag is such a loser.. he then blamed Wanjun that cos of her he got rejected. so pathetic can? -.-"

After school we waited for him to finish his orals(hope he fails)"sarcastic smile" :D
And we confronted him..Then wanjun started the whole conversation with..

Wanjun:Eh, so you think natalie rejected you is my fault lah!?

Emmanuel:............... walks away....

Wanjun: Coward! come back lahh! no guts to face us is it?

Emmanuel: "looks back, stared at her"

Wanjun:What stare stare? huh? say want to beat me ah? come lah!

Emmanuel: You dont play with the father of god.."walks away" AGAIN.

Wanjun: Wah, now want to use God`s name lah?? please lahh the distance between you and god is like the distance between sun and pluto lahhh. haiyohhh

Emmanuel: "walks away" AGAIN.

Then caryl`s turn to insult him...

Caryl: OI! come back lahh you coward piece of ****! no balls ah?? oi! come back lah!

Emmanuel: I tell you all ah. Dont ever mess with me.

Caryl: so? who cares?

Emmanuel: Watch your manners ah. i dont like it.

Wanjun: You want to talk about manners ah?? see your self in the mirror first!

ME: Speaking about manners.. That time in the canteen while we were eating.. u kicked the table. that one is what? you call that manners? huh?

Caryl: Ya lah! ***hole!

Emmanuel:"goes near carly" I tell you ah, you better watch your mouth.

Caryl: "stands up..wanting to slap his face" So?? you not happy come lahh!

All of us: HAHAHA! COWARD!

talked to him until he got nothing to say and he just walked away crying. hahahahas! that was mean.. But he deserves it! MUAHAHA! (:

Day 2:

Went back to the place again.. played games.. and this time we talked about Our Family.. It was impactfull..Joshua shared his past family problems he had.. Man! he had a tough time when he was still young.. i mean seriously..he have my respect. (:
Anyways, had a skip about family... and it was darn funny!! I was laughing my *** off! lols!
The actors were leon as the mother leonard as the Teenageer and the other guy (forgot whats his name) is the father.
Seriously funny! hahhas. Then after the skit.. we played games again until the end.

All in all Mission week was fun! After school hanged out with Ann,Carly,amanda and wanjun, went to have lunch at rail mall talked about stuffss and blahh blahh blahh, then we went to the bus stop and randomly ann asked Wanjun to advertise 1 biscuit called "Muzics" its the bus stop advertisement. hahahas! when we want to take the video.. Wanjun kept saying "eh! wait! My hair ok or not???"
Then all of us said.. " YAH LAH its ok lah!"
Then when wanjun wanted to start her "advertisement" The 67 bus came..
and then we ran like crazy people screaming going after the bus! it was ubber funny! hahahas! then reached school.. Then wanjun asked me to advertise some stuffs which you guys dont wanna know -.-!! walked back to school, slacked there.. chit chat! and then i asked wanjun if she want to go to vivo to buy present for her friend jane.. so we went off first.. took 963 to harbourfront then in the bus we talked about our embarrasing moments in our life.. hahahas mine was the worst! ok! lols.. (wanjun.. you cant tell anybody about it.. ok!?) (: after awhile..we reached vivo city! went up to the open space there to relax.. we named the Green monorail " Caryl yay!"then the orange train"Muttons go yay!" lols.. that was Wanjun`s idea! not mine! :D then again wanjun asked me this:

Wanjun: eh! look at Mr.Merlion! he looks so sad! want to go visit him again??

Me: no need lahhhh.. so late want to go meh??

Wanjun: I want! he looks so lonely lahhhhh.. want to go??

Me: need lahhhhhh. next time lah ok?

Wanjun: ok lah ok lah.. next time..:D

And it goes on.. lazy to elaborate :D

Then after that.. took some pictures... and then we went back home~~~~~~ :D

Thats all folks!

Tata! :D


7/14/2007 06:40:00 PM

Tuesday, July 3, 2007,


OBS gathering at Sentosa! (:

In the morning Meet up with Wanjun to go eat claypot porridge at beauty world! (: (addicted to it! its so nice! you guys should try it!) And Wanjun cooked for me tomato soup! Thanks! (: it`s 100/100 okay? hahahas perfecto~! :D and i didnt die coz of food poisoning! (:anyways, then after eating, went straight to the bus stop. and Wanjun lead us both to the wrong bus stop -.-!! lols. it was further way up beauty world. wahlau, then ah we saw the bus, Wanjun suggested to run. coz 61 bus take very long time to come. and we ran.. woah.. i tell you.. run with your stomach full..can mati(die) man. lols. managed to catch up with the bus. hahahas. we were like dying already lah. hahahas. out of breath. and we ran for like 100 metres onli? lols. and Wanjun said this "Wah! can pass 2.4 already ah! can pass already can pass! :D" lols so funny. then crapped inside the bus.. then after awhile reach harbourfront. we were rather early. lols. so we decided to go to harbourfront mall to walk around while waiting for the others to come. All the shops were still closed lah. hahahas. so yeah. went to some souvenier shops. and Wanjun wanted to go to cold storage to "see see" hahahas. bought some stuffs.. and saw khairul,fuad,and stanley. Thanks khairul for treating us sushi! Best bro ever! :D Anyways, after buying all the stuffs. went to banquet to eat our food(again) lols. the sushi was nice! :D then after eating went straight to sentosa to meet up with the others Obs people. sentosa really changed alot man! hahahas. it`s been 1 year since i visited that place? lols. went to siloso beach. saw dave and marius there, and the others. so yeah. we changed and go SWIMMING! hahahas! the water was so cold! we played Robot wrestling with dave`s friends! they were so funny lah! ahahahahas! i carried dave! weeee! lols! Strong man! wahahhahah! XD(thickskin) lols. Then swimmed for like 2-4 hours? CHAO DA liao. lols..wah. you know ah, the small mineral water there cost $2! wahlau! so exp lah. eat money only. Gst increase already ah LOLS. I saw my water buddy! Stingray! weeeee~!! it was so funny lah. this is what happened.. I was walking around looking for shells, when i saw this blurr figure.. i was standing next to it! i thought it was some plastic bag or something.. then i asked Wanjun and Fuad, "Eh Eh, look! look! my brother leh! stingray!"

Wahlau! somemore ah.. they were making out leh! i mean the stingray lah! lols. Then stanley fuad started throwing sands on the stingrays.. so mean lah.. disturb them while mating. -.-!! And fuad LOST HIS PANTS WHILE SWIMMING! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAS! LOLS! So obsene!
Anyways, Wanjun was damn funny! make fun of ppl. (i dont want to say it here later she scold me =X) hahahas :D Then after that we packed up and changed then we took some pictures.. then after that took the beach train to station. we PS the rest coz there were only 2 seats left, so me and Wanjun took the beach train. Then, Wanjun suggested to visit MR. Merlion. lols..This is what happened..

Wanjun: Eh eh, want to go visit Mr.Merlion?

Me: No need lah. they coming soon already.

Wanjun: Wahlau please lah, see MR.Merlion so poor thing. He also have feeling`s yknow? Lets go visit him okay?

Me: Aiyah, nvm one lah.

Wanjun: Go lah Go lah!

Me:..... ok la ok lah..

Wanjun: Yay!

Lols.. Then after visiting MR.Merlion. waited for the Bus to send us to harbourfront Mrt. WAHLAU we waited for the bus for like 15 minutes?? so long lah..
Then took the bus. then straight away Wanjun knocked out. ahahhahas. so fast sleep. lols.

Then finally reached Harbourfront.. ate dinner at banquet again. lols! Then me and Wanjun took bus home after that. lols.. Then HOME SWEET HOME~! (:

Thats all about yesterday peeps!

BYES~! (:


7/03/2007 07:05:00 PM

Sunday, July 1, 2007,

Happy 15th Birthday to Chua Wanjun dearie! <33
Sweet 15? haha :D
(The one in the center)
Yesterday was superb!:D I`m gonna update more about church later, kinda busy doing house works. so yeah. update later! :D WEEE~!


7/01/2007 09:50:00 AM
