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Saturday, April 26, 2008,

I know some things are better left unsaid
Yet I have to tell you what's been running through my head
I don't know if what I am feeling is wrong or right
But you stay on my mind both day and night
I'm not going to say that I'm in love with you
But for you I have feelings that I know are true
I love being with you everyday
It makes me want you more in every way
I could just sit and watch you for days
You've gotten me wrapped in your mesmerizing ways
I love seeing your big, beautiful smile
That makes everything in life worthwhile
I want to feel your arms wrapped around me so tight
Just the way I dream every night
I want to be with you as more than just friends
But I guess that's where my fantasy ends
If only you'd give us a chance you'd see
Just how great together we would be
Until that day comes to par
I'll keep admiring you from afar.

4/26/2008 05:45:00 PM

With each passing day
I look forward to seeing you
It's almost as if my life was shattered
And now your hereMy dream come true
I never thought
Feelings would grow
But you proved me wrong
It's almost like a love song
Your that girl
That has won me over
Your that girl
That I want a little bit closer
Your that girl
I wake up to see
Your that girl
I always want next to me
Your that girl
Who makes me laugh
Your that girl
That never makes me sad
Your that girl
With those beautifull eyes
Do you beleive in love at first sight?
I just want you to know
I don't know where this will go
I want it to be special
I can promise you so
I wont break your heart
I wont make you cry
I wont give you any doubts
Ill tell you why?
Why I wont hurt you
Because thats not like me
Why Ill make you laugh
Cuz your as beautifull as can be
Why you'll smile
Because it's another nice day
Or another reason
Is cuz I'm here to stay
I want you to know
How much you really mean
I can't descirbe it in words
Cuz it's to strong of a feeling
I wish you could look inside my heart one day
See how much it's been torn and repaired
And how it beats as you sooth all my pains away
I wish you could look deep into my eyes
And make all the wishes in the world
I'll try to make them come true
As long as you'll one day be my girl
Or at times of need
I've proved to be here
No not because I have to
But becuase your special my dear
So I'll make this simple
Short and Sweet
Your not like other's
You almost mean the world to me.


4/26/2008 05:16:00 PM

Thursday, April 24, 2008,

If I could breath
I would breath you in
Let you explore
The darker part me
I'm wanting so badly for you too see
My black box
My untold stories
All filled with loss and glory
Oh baby if I could turn back time
I would never let you fall
I'll sing you your favorite songs
I told you I would sing for you
Far too long
Hold on
I'm here
Baby I will raise you to your destiny
Open up
Come inside of me
I'll save you from society
Oh my love
Don't cry like that
Your beautiful eyes
Don't cry like that
I get distressed cause I want to take you away
Don't cry like that
Tomorrows another day
I won't take back these words
That I have come to say
I didn't think that I would love you
But sitting here so cold
Im missing you
Love is bold
But down you fall
You hold your mask
So tight in place
Will I get your old face back?
My broken fingers
Try and mend
But they hurt so bad
I wish God could lend
Me the strength to give strength
The need to succeed
Im searching for words
In this dusty book
But they are far to complicated to reach me
If I could breath
I would let you in
I would give you my breath
Passing too you
From me
If I could only breath.

4/24/2008 06:57:00 PM

Your heart is hurting
Your world is crumbling
My mind is wondering
Why you're crying
When you cry it pierces my heart
A pain so unbearable and a sight I can't endure
Those tears that flow down your face
That smile I'm used to turned to anguish
You're even beautiful when you cry
Listening to your whimpers and seeing the dampness running down your luminous eyes
I can hear your pain from the deep of your heart
The heart that aches for love, care, and comfort
I want to hold you, and make the suffering leave
Please don't cry, it hurts to see you cryLet me
hold you so you can cry on my shoulder
So I can't see those tears
So I can grieve with you
Let me comfort you, please don't cry
Whisper to you healing words
Tell me your pain, I want to help
Just don't leave, stay right here
And hold me close, as I shelter you with my arms
More than anything, I want to stop
Those tears that flow down your beautiful face
Just please, stop crying

4/24/2008 06:06:00 PM

As I shut my eyes and leisurely begin to drift
My soul slips silently from a broken reality
Familiar voices heard faintly in the distance
The security of them wilting into a memory
Innocent heart endlessly yearning to explore
Fall upon that love which was once so deep
Now numbed to this once tender emotion
The imprints visible with each slight glance
A smile which once radiated now disappeared
Sparkling eyes danced with joy now lifeless
A spirited heart filled with bliss now hopeless
Gentle soul now scarred by a beautiful love lost
Slipping away are my once pleasant fantasies
No longer in my grasp are my glowing wishes
My heart now an abyss filled with faint dreams
No longer shining but gradually disappearing
As a hopeful tear slides gently down my cheek
I begin to reminisce about your captivating love
A dim smile slowly appears on my chapped lips
But just as fast as it becomes known to my face
Now is permanently replaced with a fixed frown
With hope still evident in my spirit and my being
I will naturally wait for your pleasant love once again
You are the passionate fire that burns deep within me
Though now the idyllic flame is faint and weakening
My optimism and endless desire stimulates its blaze
As my spirit attempts to slip into lost dreams
A voice whispers gently in my longing ears
"Let me be your wings & baby you can fly"

4/24/2008 05:04:00 PM

Saturday, April 19, 2008,

The Warrior is a child
Lately, I've been winning battles left and right
But even winners can get wounded in the fight,
People say that I'm amazing, I'm strong beyond my years
But they don't see inside of me, I'm hiding all the tears.
They don't know that I come running home when I fall down
They don't know who picks me up when no one is around,
I drop my sword and cry for just a while'
Coz deep inside this armor, the warrior is a child.
Unafraid because His armor is the best
But even soldiers need a quiet place to rest,
People say that I'm amazing, I never face retreat
But they don't see the enemies that lay me at His feet.
They don't know that I come running home when I fall down
They don't know who picks me up when no one is around,
I drop my sword and cry for just a while
'Coz deep inside this armor, the warrior is a child.
They don't know that I come running home when I fall down
They don't know who picks me up when no one is around,
I drop my sword and look up for His smile'
Coz deep inside this armor
Deep inside this armor..
Deep inside this armor,
The warrior is a child..

4/19/2008 09:51:00 AM

Friday, April 18, 2008,

Down Life's Path

Many go down life's path with lofty plans To amass a great fortune of houses and lands And to live a life of pleasure and ease, Thinking happiness can be found in these. Others pursue power and worldwide fame To be known by all and win their acclaim. But those without God who attain these goals Soon find emptiness remains in their souls. They could not find true happiness For life's void cannot be filled with this. If only they realized this will not last Since life is fleeting and will soon be past. Wealth, worldly pleasure, fame, and power Will all be gone at death's dark hour. And beyond the grave when eternity begins Those unsaved will be judged for their sins! If only they would believe in God's Son And repent of the sinful deeds they've done, Then they could go down life's path Not needing to worry about God's wrath. They would have the joy they longed for, Inner peace, contentment, and much more For when their lives on earth shall end Heavenly bliss would at once begin!
This is so trueee! Amen! (:

4/18/2008 04:26:00 PM

Thursday, April 17, 2008,

Hello People!

Hahahas. Well, today was fine. started my morning by Ann`s call (btw, ann if you didnt call me today. i think i was going to be late! soooo... THANKS!) hahhass. but but.. i was almost late today! dang -.-! And Kat.. if you`re reading this.. So sorry to make you run buddy! ><". And and we`ll never Cut that again uhhh? lolss XD. Anyways, school was horrible today! My Science teacher didnt come and we were suppposed to have 4 lessons with him today.. like omgosh! MYE is like 2 weeks away? sooooo fassssst!! and he hasnt been coming to school lately.. I`m so dead! And yeah.. i found out that i was the 2nd top student in my class last year and i`m supposed to go for the speech day which is next week friday to recieve my prize? hahahas. i was like so shocked! like SERIOUSLY shocked! lols.. I Think it`s all because of thah"someone". Thank you (: haha
Sooooo.. after school was supposed to hang out/study with Dianne and the gang. but wasnt feeling very well, sooooo i went back home early with ann. And ANN! Whatever we talked about today in the bus. lets just keep it a secret between us aight? (: alright. i think thats it for today. hahahas.
Bye People!

Chaoz! (:

4/17/2008 05:16:00 PM

Wednesday, April 16, 2008,

Its official.. I`ve fallen in love with you..but i guess you wont have the same feeling that i`m having.
I`ll be here just waiting.. for you to notice me..

4/16/2008 07:01:00 PM

Tuesday, April 15, 2008,

Hi Peeps!

Omygosh.. its been so long since i blogged.. like seriously! hahahas. Anyways, life`s been great nowadays. And hmm... met alot of GREAT people! hahahas! I`m liking school even better now. lols.. you guys might think.. "what the hell is this guy saying?!? School sucks!" hahas.. well for me it`s not! School`s great! hahahas. alright alright. i shall end here. i`m so sleepy!


4/15/2008 01:40:00 PM
