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Wednesday, May 21, 2008,

Ahhhh! I miss those peeps! like seriously! )):
OBS~! Arghhh! i wanna go again! it`s so fun!
all the things we did together! all the problems we faced!
The scorching Sun we endured, the teamwork.. and those fun times during night! i miss all those! )):
Well,OBS is not like National Service! for some might think that it is.. YOU`RE WRONG!
It`s tiring , you might get hungry at times.. coz you`re given a food ration.. and you must manage it wisely for 5 days! coz it`ll be your source of energy! and you`ll have a Watch which consist of 15-16 people who is from different schools! hahas! well, more insights of it.. All the activities we did was trekking (10 hours) Kayaking around pulau ubin (11 hours)-(It was a torture for me!) Making our own raft and try it out at a Quarry near by (The Quarry is so freaking nice! the water is so clear! i love that part!) and we learned how to pitch our own tents! i loved my 07 batch! great people! hahas all those retarded stuffs we did! especially with Timothy Loh and Khairul! hahahas! coz we sleep in the same tent! soo yeahhhh.. hahahas retarded stuffs happened.. like seriously retarded! hahahas!
i went to OBS twice.. once in 2006 and in 2007.
i just want to have it every year! but too bad.. you only can go twice.. )):
Well, there`s a 21 days course.. But it`s so expensive! i wanna try it! But it cost around 1 thousand dollars! my gosh! It`s like my yearly allowance? dang..
I`m looking forward in attending the OBB "Outward Bound Brunei" they say it`s more challenging than OBS! and i wanna meet new people! its so fun! i mean.. life`s short! make friends as long as you`re still alive! hahahas! ok.. i`m crazy.. i know.. (: well, that`s just the way i am! hahas (:

alright! thats all !



5/21/2008 07:39:00 PM

Tuesday, May 20, 2008,

A Mission Statement.
First and foremost, I will remain faithful
always to God.
I will not underestimate the power of family unity.
I will not neglect a true friend, but will set aside
time for myself as well.
I will cross my bridges as i come to them
(divide and conquer)
I will begin all challenges with optimism,
rather than doubt.
I will always maintain a positive self-image
and high self-esteem, knowing that all my intentions begin
with self-evalation.

5/20/2008 01:17:00 PM

Yo Peeps! (:
i`m in the school computer lab right now~ and i`m bored! lols.
Just wanna share something about our teen years.
Our teen years can be some of the most exciting and adventurous years of life.
So value each moment! here`s a poem!

To realize the value of One Year,
Ask a student who failed his or her O level exams.
To realize the value of One Week,
Ask an editor of weekly magazine.
To realize the value of One Day,
Ask any daily wage laborer who has six kids to feed.
To realize the value of One Hour,
Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
To realize the value of One Minute,
Ask a person who missed their train.
To realize the value of One Second,
Ask the person who survived an accident.
To realize the value of One milisecond,
Ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics.

5/20/2008 01:05:00 PM

Saturday, May 17, 2008,

Tomorrow morning when you wake up
And the sun does not appear
Ah ha-a-ah I, I will be here
If in the dark we lose sight of love
Hold my hand and have no fear
'Cause ah ha-a-ah I, I will be here
I will be here
When you feel like being quiet
When you need to speak your mind
I will listen
And I will be here
When the laughter turns to crying
Through the winning, losing and trying
We'll be together
'Cause I will be here
Tomorrow morning if you wake up
And the future is unclear
Ah ha-a-ah I, I'll be here
As sure as seasons are made for change
Our lifetimes are made for years
So ah ha-a-ah I, I will be here
I will be here
You can cry on my shoulder
When the mirror tells us we're older
I will hold you
And I will be here
To watch you grow in beauty
And tell you all the things you are to me
I will be here
I will be true to the promise I have made
To you and to the one who gave you to me
Ooh ooh ooh
Ah ha-a-ah I, I will be here
And just as sure as seasons are made for change
Our lifetimes are made for years
'Coz ah ha-a-ah I, i will be here..
this is for you babe.. and i`ll always be here for you. (:

5/17/2008 05:19:00 PM

Yo peeps!

Havent been blogging for a week now. soooo yeahhh. shall update! lols

Today we had a 3 on 3 floorball match at RP. Woke up VERY early to meet Firdaus at the bus stop near my house, since he stays near me.. soo yeahh. hahas. was supposed to meet him 7:15.. Then when i called him.. HE WAS STILL SLEEPING! my gosh lah -.- it`s like 7 am and we`re supposed to meet at 7:15! -___- Sooooo waited for him at the bus stop. and it was 7:38 already -___-. Tsk tsk! firdaus! you toot! hahahas! jokes! (: Soooooo took the Mrt to Woodlands to meet the others. Met them at Causeway point Macs then headed straight to RP to prepare for our game! There were alot of Teams! Met the same peeps! teams like The Merahans, Springfield, Victoria. And i saw Cheryl today! ahahhas! Buddy! i miss you lahh! :D soo sooo sooo..Registered our teams and stuff.. waited for awhile.. then finally it was our turn to play! i was kinda nervous tho! because i was the Defender/keeper/Captain!! what the heck.. its always been me! urggh! wanted to play Forward.. ohwell, at least i did my part! hahas. we improved tho! Our Score againts Victoria School was 3-4! not bad! we were expecting to get trashed by them. lols.. so yeah! good play guys! oh yeah.. my teamates were indra,sufri and vivern. hahas. Guys! even tho we lose to them. at least we didnt get trashed right?? hahahas. We proved them wrong! that Assumption Floorballers can beat their asses too! wahaha! Yeahh! (: The 2nd match was againts our other AES team.. the members were Khairul,Timothy,Firdaus and Lester.. We beat them 4-0! yeahh! Good job once again! hahas. But i sprained my ankle BADLY! T_T hurts alot! but still played on. coz didnt want to disappoint my team.. soo yeah.. sacrifice! ahhhh...! But it paid off anyways.. sooo had a 15 minute break.. went to the cyber cafe to go online for awhile.. since its for FREE! hahahas! cool right? i wanna go to that School! so cool! And kuya Zul and Damian is there! hahas i miss kuya Zul! two cool peeps! (: sooooo... after the break.. we played with Victoria school again..and this time the score was 1-0 we lost again..! ohwell. it was a good game tho! soooo..after that.. packed up.. and went to causeway to find a place to sit and relax.. since my ankle is hurting and swelling like hell. -.-... my gosh! Causeway is soooo packed with people! all the fast food restaurants were all full -___- no place to sit! dang.. so decided to go home since i was in pain.. took the mrt back to yew tee.. was limping all the way..! and this guy bumped on me and stepped on my injured part of my leg didnt even bother to say sorry to me! %*@#$$%^%!!
soo painfulllll youknowww! -__-" was too lazy to walk.. took taxi back home.. only paid $3.20.. lols.. The taxi driver was like " Ehhh, are you that lazy to walk? so near!" i was like " -___-" then when he saw me limping.. he approached to me and said sorry. hahahas. that taxi driver is so funnnyy. lolss. Ohwell, i guess thats all for today. i`ll be staying at home, since my ankle is still hurting and swollen...

Thats all for today!



I love you more everyday..

5/17/2008 03:43:00 PM

Friday, May 2, 2008,

Je t'aime te amo
Ya tyibya I yublu
Ani ohevet othka
I love you
The sounds are all as different
as the lands from which they came
And though our words are all unique
Our hearts are still the same
Love in any language
Straight from the heart
Pulls us all together
Never apart
And once we learn to speak it
All the world will hear
Love in any language
Fluently spoken here
We teach the young our differences
Yet look how we're the same
We learn to laugh, to dream our dreams
We know the sting of pain
From Leningrad to Lexington
The farmer loves his land
And daddies get all misty eyed
When they give their daughters' hands
And maybe now we realize
How much there is to share
We have too much in common
To pretend it isn't there
Love in any language
Straight from the heart
Pulls us all together
Never apart
And once we learn to speak it
All the world will hear
Love in any language
Fluently spoken here
Though the rhetoric of governments
May keep us worlds apart
There's no misinterpreting
The language of the heart
Love in any language
Straight from the heart
Pulls us all together
Never apart
And once we learn to speak it
All the world will hear
Love in any language
Fluently spoken here

5/02/2008 09:48:00 PM

Hey people! before i start posting about today i would want to greet today`s birthday girl~!
Happy 15th Birthday Dianne Mae Romo Cosrojas!
Girl! you`re already 15! hahas! happy sweet 15 aye? Lols

Soooooo... Today was fun! was supposed to meet the BIRTHDAY GIRL in school by 8.30 to study. But in the end she reached school around 9+ coz she forgot to take her money lols.. how blurr can you get?? hahas jkjk :D. Sooo we studied for 1 and a half hour and after that slacked around, talked crap hahas XD Then "The Horny" one said she`ll be coming to school by 9 am.. and guess what? she called me and said that she`s still at home brushing her teeth! Like What the heck??? it`s already 9! and she said that she`ll be reaching school by 9.. and guess what time she reached school?? .... 10 -.- ohwell, hahahas i pity her future boyfriend! hahhas! But Heck! lols.. So after that. They all went for their Maths Supplementary Class. And Oh My Gosh! It`s like from 1 pm to 4pm! And i need to wait for them to finish! -.-.. i almost died waiting for them! lols.. But hey, at least some people entertained me while waiting for them! hahas! Thanks Amanda and timo! for accompanying me! XD even tho they went off early.. but nvm (:

Then after that, saw Ann and kennedy! chilled with them, watched the simpsons movie on Ann`s Ipod while waiting for those people to finish their Class. Soooooo... after the LONG wait.. they finally ended their class around 4.15! dang.. seriously that was a LONG LONG LONG wait!

i was super happy to see them! coz.. i can finally get out from the school! lols.. for so so so longgg. hahahas. Took 67 bus to lot1. Omygosh! "The Horny" one always wants to kick me for no reasons! like what the heck..? LoL. ohwell ohwell.. Then after that reached lot 1, went to pizza hut to eat! woohoo! hahahas. And Oh! i was with Dianne,Deanne,Syirah,Ann,Mary Ann,My sis and Rachael. But too bad Mary Anne needs to go home early.. so she didnt follow us to pizza hut. =/ ohwell. Next time okay mary? (: Soooooooo.. We ordered our stuff and waited.. and while waiting.. Deanne"The Horny" was making a fool of herself! like omygosh! Lols! Seriously! She`s REALLY REALLY REALLY Horny!

Then then then.. finally! the Food that we ordered was ready! yeahhh! hahahas.
But too bad Rachael needs to go off early.. =/ ohwell, there`s always a next time.. Right rae? (:

Then after eating, took some pictures.. Retarded ones! hahahas. Her and Him were so sweet! hahahas For y`all to find out who! hahas (:
After that, went our separate ways. then home sweet home!

Argghh! sorry~! i`m very lazy to elaborate more! lols.


44 days.. (:

Bye People!


5/02/2008 08:02:00 PM
