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Saturday, August 30, 2008,

How do i mend a broken heart?
My entire world has fallen apart.
How do i find hope in a brand new day,
when the one i love has gone away?
My mind overflows with memories of you,
of all that we`ve shared, all that we knew.
I long for your touch and your warm embrace,
the look in your eyes, the smile on your face.
My dreams are filled with your soft gentle kiss,
I wake and cry for all that i miss.
How do i mend a broken heart,
when my one true love and I are apart?
My heart knows to love only you, it won`t let go, what do I do?
Our moments together were precious and few,
but i cherished them all more than you knew.
I love you my angel and always will,
I loved you then and I love you still.
I really do..
And i ask myself why am i thinking of you so much.
I think about all the moments we shared together and the way we touched.
You know that this was hard for me,
but you decided not to see.
I know I`m still stuck in my past,
but i had a feeling that this was going to last.
I guess my heart was wrong,
Why couldn`t I live threw it and not stay strong.
Thinking of you makes me feel this way.
"Why couldn`t I just stay".
I ask myself that everyday.
Hold on!! I had a reason why?
Now that I think of it I want to cry.
Still feeling you so much.
I still think of the moment when we touch.

8/30/2008 07:32:00 PM

Friday, August 29, 2008,

Today was a blast! (:

Had teachers day celebration! it was superb! the performances were great! (:
It`s sad that this is gonna be my last teachers day celebration in AES ):
But ohwell.. life must go on! (: Anyways, after the celebration went down to the canteen to meet up with caryl and the rest of the gang. Chilled there for awhile and headed down to Lot 1 to meet Ann! (: Took the 67 bus, we almost missed it! and it was the FIRST time i saw Caryl actually RUN! hahahas! lols! :D then alighted the bus at lot1 walked around with Caryl and Natalie, waited for the library to open which took very long -_- so while waiting, we went to all the gift shops in lot1 to kill time. And FINALLY the library was open, so we went inside to look for books to read but ended up talking about caryl`s probies. talked for awhile, then msged Ann to ask where she is. And found out that she just WOKE up! lols. like so late lahhhhhhh. she was supposed to meet us at lot1 at 11 am, then she reached around 11:30? 30 minutes late yaknow?
So me,caryl and Natalie went down to the basement to get some food to eat. The usual paid for caryl`s food. lol. after that went up to meet up with rachael, i was shocked to see the rest of the gang with rachael. hahahas. i was only expecting rachael to be there. but hey! the more the merrier! hahas! which was good! and it made my day! hahas i miss hanging with those peeps! like really! so FINALLY Ann came! lols.

We went to find a place to eat.. but the fast food restaurants were all FULL! so we went to BPP to eat instead. ended up eating macs. i didnt really have the appetite to eat coz wasnt really feeling well. so yeah. drinked coke instead XD lols. talked there for awhile, then walked around BPP the girls were looking at the lingerie shop -_- tsk tsk tsk.. anywayssssss, after all the walkings finally went back to lot 1 and then i went home coz i was feeling very sleepy and tired. Coz of all the laughings and walkings which totally drained all my energy! but it was really awesome to hang out with them again! hahas (: alright, i think thats it for today (:

It was really a good day for me! but it could have been better if that "someone" was there to share those moments.. =/ ohwell.. I`m still happy! with my friends at my side (:


Tata people! (:

Godbless! (:

8/29/2008 04:21:00 PM

Sunday, August 3, 2008,

Hey peeps!

Havent been updating for like a month now? lol. i knowwww my blog is so dead and boring. but yeahhhh. couldnt find time to post anything or sometimes just too lazy to blog XD~

Well, life`s been a rough road for me like seriously, so many ups and downs like what most people get. I thank god for getting me through all these. coz it makes me stronger and if next time i encounter such problems, i`ll know what to do and handle it (: sooo yeahhh PRAISE THE LORD! (:

Well, the reason why i am here blogging is because i wanna thank some people whom helped me through all the problems i faced and never let me down ever since (: Here are the people i wanna thank:

1.) Kathleen Deanne Elizabeth Labay Gacad (:

My Grand Ma! (: She`s a VERY hyper person and can be retarded too (: She`s always there when i need her.
The times when i was close in doing stupid things like ending my life and stuff.. she`s there to tell me that it`s not worth it and made me realise what life really is. Even tho she got her own problems to face too. She never fails to make people smile and forget about their problems.. And i`m one of them (:
She`s a friend that you can really count on. She`s trustworthy,kind,lovable,friendly and a lot more.
She`s been my inspiration.. Kath, buddy, if you`re reading this.. i just wanna say that i`m really really really thankfull that you became my friend. You`ll always stay forever in my heart buddy (:
Loves! <3!

2.)Zipporah Ann Tierra Nosa (:

My Mom! (: The Best 2nd Mom ever! seriously! Ann.. she`s the one that i`ll never forget too. she had done alot of great things for me. We all face problems, we help each other get through it. And she was the one who`s always been with me when i needed to talk to somebody. She give me advices.. good ones, and i`m really thankfull for that. she was somehow my "support" when i have problems(not forgetting Kath too) (: We know each other for 2 years now and in that 2 years of friendship.. she was the one who never hurt me before. well, except beating me up physicallyyyy lols. i was talking about emotional hurt. not physical... so yeahh, haha even tho she like to bully me. but it`s okay, i know that she loves me. RIGHTTTTT?? :D She`s a strong mom! and i am too! hehe.. even tho our "family" split apart coz of some reasons.. i still treat her as my 2nd best mom. and nothing can ever change that! I love you mom! and thank you everything! (:

3.) Caryl Chong Jie Ying! (:

This girl have been my tita(aunt) for almost a year now. she`s been nice to me and all. I met her through my other friend, and i never regretted meeting her. We share our problems and try to solve it together. we`ve been through alot.. be it friendship,relationship problems and others. She`s also the one who gives adivces to me too and a great encourager too (well sometimes) XD
I never took sides when she had problems with my other friends coz i know friends are to be equally treated so yeahhh. (: even tho she makes me go bankcrupt sometimes. i dont really care. coz friends are important than money (: alright.. i just wanna thank you caryl for always being there(: you`re a friend that i`ll never forget in my whole life (:

I think that`s all for now. There will be a second post (:

alright i better get back to studying! tata!



8/03/2008 05:59:00 PM
