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Friday, September 26, 2008,

Hey guys, nothing much to blog today.
i just wanna vent my frustrations.
that`s all. dont mind yeah?
I HATE 67 buses coming from tampines side! it takes like forever to come! and some drivers are just soooooo "irritating" i waited for 45 minutes and there isnt any 67 bus -.- and yknw what? when the bus finally came, THE DRIVER JUST TOTALLY IGNORED US. like what the heck? its seriously darn frustrating! so need to wait for another bus to come, and it took another 30 minutes, so in all i wasted 1 hour 15 minutes just waiting for a bus. -.- pathetic..

9/26/2008 04:04:00 PM

Thursday, September 25, 2008,

Hey people!

Been busy mugging for exams! arghhh! just a little bit more struggggllleee and my time in Secondary school is finally OVER! yeahhh! :D
Well, i`ve got nothing much to post tho. Nvm, i shall share some things! well, 2 important things (:

Have a nice day peeps! (:

Will of God

What is God`s will for my life?

Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this? Esther 4:14

"For i know the plans i have for you," says the Lord.
"They are plans or good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

"So why do you keep calling me 'Lord! Lord!' when you don`t do what i say? I will show you what it`s like when someone comes to me, listens to my teaching, and then follows it." Luke 6:46:47

Has there been a Christian who has not asked this question? Sometimes " God`s will" seems so vague, so hard to know. Perhaps the problem is that too often we`re expecting God to reveal something special to us and we ignore the revelation he`s already given in his Word. The Bible has dozens of clear commands for you to follow: Worship only God, love your neighbors and your enemies, use your spiritual gifts, tell the truth, do not covet, do not steal, be sexually pure, remain faithful, teach your children spiritual truths, don`t gossip, be generous, don`t take God`s name in vain, read his Word regularly, don`t let money control you, let the Holy Spirit control your life- the lists goes on! Isn`t doing all these things God`s will for your life? but God also created each person for a specific task. It is usually through steady obedience to the will in his Word that your specific direction in life can be found. So first make sure you are following god`s will in the areas he has already laid out. As you wait for God to reveal what he wants you to do specifically, you should continue to be obedient to the things he calls every person to do. Then, If you happen to missed God`s will for living your everyday life. god is vitally interested in the details of your life, but his primary will for all people is simply obedience

" The Lord says. "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.
I will advise you and watch over you"
Psalm 32:8
Do my words matter as much as my actions?
If you claim to be religious but don`t control your tounge, you are fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless. James 1:26
Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord? who may enter your holy hill? Those who lead blameless live and do what is right, speaking the truth from sincere hearts. Those who refuse to gossip of harm their neighbors or speak evil of their friends. Psalm 15:1-3
I tell you this, you must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak. The words you say will either acquit your or condemn you. Matthew 12:36-37
Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them. Ephesians 4:29
The words you speak come from the heart- that`s what defiles you. For from heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all sexual immorality. theft, lying and slander. Matthew 15:18-19
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14
Our words are like gifts that we give to God or to other people. The things we say and the meaning behind our words have an enormous impact on those who hear them. You wouldn`t give an obscene gift to your friend or someone and you certainly wouldn`t want to give something insulting to an enemy. Words are no different. In fact, the greatest gift you can give to others is not in a box covered with paper and bows but in the words you use to encourage, inspire, comfort, and challenge them. Don`t let your words be annoying, insulting, demeaning, or simply useless. Your words truly matter because what you say reveals the condition of your heart. Perhaps more than anything else, your words have the power to bring a divine moment to others.
"The words of the godly are a life giving fountain"
Proverbs 10:11

9/25/2008 04:20:00 PM

Tuesday, September 16, 2008,

Hey people! (:

Finally changed my blogskin! (: Got tired of the old one, Its boorriiiiinggg. heh
Life`s been pretty tough, studying for exams and stuff. YOU guys might think " Kevin does study? No way!" well, YES WAY! i do study! its just that you guys dont see me studying.(:

"Planned for the future, i know where i`m going. Its God`s grace and blessings that keeps me going" :D

Well, today in school was just plainly boringgg. nothing much happened today. The only funniest thing that happened today was my classmates were trying something new! the pictures will be below this post. hahaha! alright. i`ll leave you guys with the pics. have a good laugh at it. hahas.

God bless y`all! (:

Starring: Stanley, Ashley, Aaron, Zaidi, Zulhilmi

9/16/2008 03:45:00 PM


My questions for God.
What does it mean to love my enemies?

You have heard the law that says, " Love your neighbor" and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! MATTHEW 5:43:44

All of you should be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude. Don`t repay evil for evil. Don`t retaliate with insults when people insults you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God has called you to do, and he will bless you for it. 1 PETER 3:8:9

Showing love to your enemies seems completely unreasonable- unless you realize that you were once an enemy of God until he forgave you. When you love your enemy, you see that person as Jesus does- someone in need of grace and forgaveness. Getting to that point takes prayer. When you pray for others, you can`t help but feel compassion for them. If you respond with prayer and blessing instead of retaliation when someone hurts you, you will experience a divine moment of God`s blessing.

If your enemies are hungry, feed them.
If they are thirsty, give them something to drink..
Dont let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.
Romans 12:20:21

9/16/2008 03:31:00 PM

Sunday, September 14, 2008,


My questions for God
"Does God have a specific purpose for my life?"

I cry out loud to God Most High, to God who will fulfill his purpose in me. PSALM 57:2

My life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus- the work of telling others the Good News. ACTS 20:24

I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed in me.

I take joy in doing your will, my God, for your instructions are written on my heart. PSALM 40:8

Do you keep a to-do list of the things you need to accomplish each day, week, or month? Such lists can bring sense of purpose to your life because they help you stay focused and on target. If you were to reduce your entire life`s goals to a list of only three or four items, what would they be? The top item on that list should come close to identifying the purpose of your life. According to the Bible, your purpose is to be inspired with a vision of how God can beat use you to accomplish his goals. God has both a general purpose and a specific purpose for you. In a general sense, you have been chosen by God to let the love of Jesus shine through you to make an impact on others. More specifically, God has given you unique spiritual gifts and wants you to use them to make a contribution within your sphere of influence. The more you fulfill your general purpose, the clearer your specific purpose will become. Your ultimate goal in life should not be to reach destinations you want but to reach the destinations God wants for you. As you passionately pursue the purpose God has assigned you, god promises to give your life greater meaning, lasting significance, and eternal results.

Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.
Then you will learn to know God`s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

9/14/2008 07:45:00 AM

Saturday, September 13, 2008,


My Questions for God
The daily grind can be pretty tough, Does God really care? Is he on my side?

Surely your goodness and unfailing love will persue me all the days of my life. PSALM 23:6

I will be glad and rejoice in your unfailing love, for you have seen my troubles, and you care about the anguish of my soul. PSALM 31:7

No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him. 1 CORINTHIANS 2:9

The LORD is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him. PSALM 103:13

We all have a need to be affirmed. We want to know that our life has value and is valued by others. Unfortunately, people don`t always offer the affirmation we need, and as a result we might feel rejected, alone, or worthless. When no one else gives you words of affirmation, you can still feel affirmed because the almighty God chose to create you in in his image and longs to be in relationship with you. He sent his own Son to die for your sins so that you could have the opportunity to live with him forever. God`s words and actions toward you affirm that he desires your heart and soul, and that you matter to him. When you realize just how passionate God is about you, you can experience a breakthrough in your spiritual life. You will begin to notice all the little ways he interrupts your day with a blessing here and an encouragement there. The more you see with spiritual eyes the daily evidence of God`s love for you, the more confident and affirmed you will feel.

May God be Merciful and bless us. May his face smile with favor on us.
PSALM 67:1

9/13/2008 01:41:00 PM
