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Wednesday, October 29, 2008,

Happy Sweet 16 Kathleen Elizabeth Deanne Labay Gacad!

Reaching 16 is a milestone,
a happy point in life.
You've set your personality
and your tolerance for strife.

By now you know right from wrong
and how to influence friends.
It’s time to look down the road
at forks and around the bends.

The road ahead is wonderful,
some choices will be clear.
Your path depends on bravery
to push aside the fear.

When you chose this way or that,
slow choices or if snappy,
make the choices best for you,
the ones that make you happy.

Loves ♥

10/29/2008 10:50:00 AM

Monday, October 27, 2008,

♥Happy 13th birthday Rachael Osborne Koong Li Wen!♥
you`re finally 13 babe! a big girl now uhh? haha (:

Went to Causeway point to celebrate Rachael`s birthday, as usual i was the first one who arrived. i`m always an early bird :D. Not long after that, the birthday girl arrived. Nice haircut by the way (: walked aroiund the place while waiting for syirah and dianne, those two doesnt know where causeway is! it`s like "omygosh!" hahaha. Anyways shall skip some part, so we went up to the cinemas to buy tickets for HSM3. Went in straight after we bought the tickets, took our seats and waited for the movie to start. Watched the movie, reminded me of some past memories.. ohwell ohwell, but the show was great! i love the dances and the songs. i`ll give it a 8/10. Suitable for those who are graduating high school this year, like me. After the show, went to meet Val, then ate our lunch at KFC. After lunch, decided to go to Westmall to Bowl at CSC. But the place was full so we decided to just hang around there, played truth or dare. then went to westmall again to buy some stuffs. then went back home after that. Sorry, this post is not so detailed about what happened today. i`m too lazy to elaborate (:

That`s all for today! i had fun!

Take care peeps!

God bless!

Much love!♥

10/27/2008 04:49:00 PM

Monday, October 20, 2008,

Went back to Aes today to be the referee of the inter-class soccer tournament.
Reached school around 8:40am, went to school with my "babyboo" (: Saw some of my juniors, boy was i happy to see them again hahaha. Went up to the PE unit to put my stuff and changed.
Started the game exactly at 9am. it ended around 12+. Went to eat lunch with ken and rachael and went home after that. ahhhhhh..! i`m too lazy to elaborate what really happened today.. sooo sorrry! x) here are some pictures i took today in school.

I ♥ you guys (:

10/20/2008 08:50:00 PM

Thursday, October 16, 2008,

Happy Birthday to Joycelyn and Guineviere!

It was yesterday, 15th oct. We celebrated their birthday at lot1. First, i met up with Rachael early at 10am since both of us didn`t want to stay at home. Walked around even tho most of the shops are still closed, bought some earrings for the birthday girls then decided to eat a light breakfast, but for Rachael`s case.. it was a heavy one. Talked about random stuffs (Rachael we shall keep it as our secret, okay? heh :D) After eating, went to Lazerflair to check out some movies, then our birthday girl Joycelyn called us and asked us where we are. Rachael went retarded again. (i shall not say what she did, but it was funny lol) So we met the two birthday girls and not long after that we also met Ann. Walked around again, asked them if they want to catch a movie. Decided to watch House Bunny, the show starts at 1 and since it was just around 11++ the girls decided to take Neoprints. I didn`t take with them (for some reasons) and boyyyyy they took neoprints.. it took like 30 minutes just to finish? my gosh.. that is insane? (well, for me it is!) Met Joanna, Nana and philip half way. Philip and I decided to eat lunch first, since the girls are still busy doing their neoprints and since the both of us were hungry! haha.
Had chicken rice for lunch and same goes to philip. We were kinda feeling odd because we sat on the big round table which can have 8 people and only the two of us were eating. haha. but luckily the rest came, but by then we finished our food already. so Philip and I decided to walk around went to some shops and came back again. It was kinda retarded, but what can we do? we were born retarded :D heh. After eating our lunch, went up to the cinema since it was already 1. Bought Popcorn and stuff camwhored a lil bit -__- and went inside took our seats. And booooyyyy! The starting of the movie kept my eye glued to the screens till the end! haha! like seriously! Anna Faris is ohhh sooooooo ahhhhh! hahaha! eye candy for me :D (since i was the only guy there) There`s playboy mansion! i mean its a guys dream to stay there yknw? hahaha

I`ll rate the movie 4.5/5. it was kinda funny also. But it shouldn`t be
PG they should make it NC16! I know all of people there were young, especially the one who sat beside me *winks* :D
Well, after the movie met dianne and rest of her gang. Said hi and bye. sent Rachael to the Mrt station and not long after that i needed to go for my job interview.. And ohh.. about the interview i dont wanna talk about it.. it sucks totally But i totally had fun yesterday! except when i went back home at night.. shall not talk about it again. Well, i`ll try my luck again today. wish me luck guys! :D

That`s all for now! tata!


10/16/2008 09:14:00 AM

Wednesday, October 8, 2008,

I`m Officially FREE! YAY! :D

Last paper was today! Wooo-ness!
Time to find a job! and earn money!
Goodbye secondary school! :D
I`ve been waiting for this time for so so so long!
But i`m sure gonna miss my juniors in my school, especially Rachael,Dianne and the rest! ): ohwell, life must go on, right? :D Sooooo, today was FUN! but i`m too lazy to elaborate sooooo, skip! heh :D Before i go, i`m gonna have my second "Thank you" list.

Rachael Osborne Koong Li Wen

She is my Kapatid "small sister" and my friend too. A whacky girl, fun to be with!

She`s just the sis that a brother would want to have. She`s obedient, trustworthy and soft- hearted. She used to be a "emo" girl last time, but she changed alot, in a good way. Rae, you dont know how happy i was when you changed from "emo" to a happy-go-lucky-girl, I`m so proud of you! (: She is a person that i can really trust. Even tho i`ve only known her for about a year. It`s like we`ve know each other for 2-3 years? it feels like it, really. Rachael, even tho next year i`m not gonna be in school, i`m always here for you whenever you need me. i`m just a call away. alright? you`ll always be in my heart forever kapatid (: Thanks for everything Rachael. And all the best in whatever you do in your life. (:

Dianne Mae Romo Cosrojas

This girl is one heck of a friend/Sis, really. She never fails to make me smile with her retardedness! hah (: we share our problems and secrets. Sometimes i annoy her with my randomness, but thanks for tolerating my randomness when i`m really bored and just plainly in-love. hehe (: She got a great personality, a great dancer and most of all, a great friend!
I`m really glad that i met a friend like you. a friend that can really tolerate my randomness! (:
I still remember the time when we first met, it was during International Friendship day. I can never forget that day that i met you guys, both you and Rachael (: Thanks for everything dianne, You`ll always be remembered. (:

God bless you guys! (:

10/08/2008 06:48:00 PM

Wednesday, October 1, 2008,

" Another Goodbye Song "

Here’s another goodbye song
I’m running out of words to say
How bad I feel
How sad and real
When someone says goodbye
And I am not prepared to cry
Here’s another goodbye song
I feel the words are comin’ now
And they reveal how bad I feel
Cause you’re not comin’ back to me
I hear your thoughts
I hear your every word they linger in my heart
I see your face
I hear your voice
With both eyes closed
I hear your breathe
I never thought this day would come
When you would say goodbye
Here’s another goodbye song
Here’s another goodbye song
I feel the words are comin’ now
And they reveal how bad I feel
Cause you’re not comin’ back to me
Here’s another goodbye song
I’m running out of words to say
How bad I feel
How sad and real
When someone says goodbye
And I am not prepared to cry
Here’s another goodbye song
Here’s another goodbye song
I feel the words are comin’ now
And they reveal how bad I feel
Cause you’re not comin’ back to me
I hear your thoughts
I hear your every word
They linger in my heart
I see your face
I hear your voice
With both eyes closed I hear your breathe
I never thought this day would come
When you would say goodbye
Here’s another goodbye song
Here’s another goodbye song
I feel the words are comin’ now
And they reveal how bad I feel
Cause you’re not comin’ back..

This is dedicated to my beloved Kuya that left me..

I miss you Kuya Rico ):

God bless you Kuya.

I`ll always remember what you told me..

"Dont emo, it`s bad for your health"

Paalam na Kuya.

10/01/2008 10:24:00 AM
