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Saturday, January 17, 2009,

Hey peeps!
I`m blogging again! for so so so long! Anyways, Check this video! funny crap! totally hilarious!

Well, Nothing much happened today, except having soccer training and a unexpected match.
Today turned out to be good! won 6-3 againts some team.
Well, improved a little bit. I was the keeper and i scored 2 nice long goals! unbelievable aye? but yeah! it happened twice.. yes! TWICE!:D
I cant believe it myself! The Best game i`ve ever played! (:

Alright, i`ve got nothing else to say! so i`ll end it here!

Ciao people! CNY is next week! :D

1/17/2009 08:45:00 PM

Thursday, January 15, 2009,

This video just inspires me alot! Never give up! and if you ever fall, get back up and keep trying!
God is always there to pick you up when you fall no matter what situations you are in right now, what problems you might be facing. God`s love is great! amen!

Sorry peeps for being random! i just need to share this to everyone who is reading this post right now. (if ever there`s anyone who is reading this. lol!)
Anyhoos, School`s great! awesome people! Awesome lecturers and instructors! i love them all! (:
And not to forget someone (you know who you are) i love you too kay? (:
Today had a Napfa tester test! it was "so so" hopefuly i`ll pass that and get the certificate!
and yeah! not to forget! AWESOME Seniors! Thank you for the tips Gerrard and Rihannah!
it worked out pretty good! yknw that? haha (:
And to just summarise my whole week this week, there`s just two words.. AWESOME & TIRING! haha (:

That`s all folks!

1/15/2009 08:47:00 PM
