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Wednesday, October 7, 2009,


HAHA! this craps me up! zomg!

and one more thing before i go on my proper post.

Priceless. LOL

So0oo00oooo. Here i am again blogging! Its been a fun holiday spent with my bestfs! They sure know how to make me smile and just forget about my problems! I LOVE YOU GIRLS! Yes, as you know all my bestfs are girls. If you have a problem with that. Live with it. =D
One more week and school`s gonna start! grahh! i need more holidays! boohooo!
alright, nothing much to blog about. haha! so i`m gonna go off now! ciao! =)


I love you.

That was the only thing I didn’t tell you today. We talked about a lot of stuff… I told you a lot of things… That one thing was the only thing I left out, even if I wanted to tell you. Because I know this is what you want. This - whatever this is, wherever we are now - it’s what you want. Even if I wanted otherwise, you wouldn’t let me. And even if I wanted otherwise, I couldn’t just shut you out my life. I love you and you better take care of yourself because I’m still hoping that one day in the future we’d end up together. Yes, there’s still that little spark of hope and I’m not planning on letting it die. So yeah. I love you, and keep yourself safe because I want you in my future.

10/07/2009 06:39:00 PM
