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Tuesday, May 11, 2010,

                                                                                             You`re still the one.

Finally, after so so so sooo long i decided to post. Its been long!
i have a lot of updating to do in this blog! Shnitlzes! Anyways, i shall summarize in short everything since beginning of the year. Its been a hell wild ride for me this year, lots of ups and down.  But overall, i love this year. ;)
My birthday this year is the most memorable one.. The one that i can never forget in my life. Its where she accepted me as her ♥ :)

before i end this very short post, i just want to say something to You.


its been great having you around and for always being there whenever i needed someone to talk to or just plainly missing you in random times ;).
Its been 3 months since we got together. But for me it felt like we`ve been together longer than that.  You`re an awesome partner to have and i thank God for giving me such a blessing. I consider myself one of those lucky guys who have found their someone.. someone like you. Honey, i might be sometimes a hard nut to crack or a needle who likes to poke you. But just to let you know, i love you deep down inside this heart of mine,  i might not show it sometimes, but whenever i say i love you.. I really mean it, Okay?   Sorry for the insecurities that i sometimes have..  I`m not perfect.. but i will try my best to be. 

 I ♥ you langga :)

5/11/2010 04:46:00 PM
