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Tuesday, May 11, 2010,

                                                                                             You`re still the one.

Finally, after so so so sooo long i decided to post. Its been long!
i have a lot of updating to do in this blog! Shnitlzes! Anyways, i shall summarize in short everything since beginning of the year. Its been a hell wild ride for me this year, lots of ups and down.  But overall, i love this year. ;)
My birthday this year is the most memorable one.. The one that i can never forget in my life. Its where she accepted me as her ♥ :)

before i end this very short post, i just want to say something to You.


its been great having you around and for always being there whenever i needed someone to talk to or just plainly missing you in random times ;).
Its been 3 months since we got together. But for me it felt like we`ve been together longer than that.  You`re an awesome partner to have and i thank God for giving me such a blessing. I consider myself one of those lucky guys who have found their someone.. someone like you. Honey, i might be sometimes a hard nut to crack or a needle who likes to poke you. But just to let you know, i love you deep down inside this heart of mine,  i might not show it sometimes, but whenever i say i love you.. I really mean it, Okay?   Sorry for the insecurities that i sometimes have..  I`m not perfect.. but i will try my best to be. 

 I ♥ you langga :)

5/11/2010 04:46:00 PM

Wednesday, October 7, 2009,


HAHA! this craps me up! zomg!

and one more thing before i go on my proper post.

Priceless. LOL

So0oo00oooo. Here i am again blogging! Its been a fun holiday spent with my bestfs! They sure know how to make me smile and just forget about my problems! I LOVE YOU GIRLS! Yes, as you know all my bestfs are girls. If you have a problem with that. Live with it. =D
One more week and school`s gonna start! grahh! i need more holidays! boohooo!
alright, nothing much to blog about. haha! so i`m gonna go off now! ciao! =)


I love you.

That was the only thing I didn’t tell you today. We talked about a lot of stuff… I told you a lot of things… That one thing was the only thing I left out, even if I wanted to tell you. Because I know this is what you want. This - whatever this is, wherever we are now - it’s what you want. Even if I wanted otherwise, you wouldn’t let me. And even if I wanted otherwise, I couldn’t just shut you out my life. I love you and you better take care of yourself because I’m still hoping that one day in the future we’d end up together. Yes, there’s still that little spark of hope and I’m not planning on letting it die. So yeah. I love you, and keep yourself safe because I want you in my future.

10/07/2009 06:39:00 PM

Thursday, September 17, 2009,

Why must it always end up this way?

9/17/2009 10:58:00 PM

Wednesday, September 16, 2009,


I finally have the mood to blog again, Its been ages since i did. hahaha.

Well you may ask "how`s life Kevin"?

Its very stressfullll. But yet again, i`m still trying to cope.

I just want to thank my friends for being there for me when i`m down, for cheering me up in their little ways. Those random messages, it means alot to me. I thank God for giving me such awesome friends.

Call me random, but i just want you guys to know who are those friends i`m referring to.

from left to right> Nana,Amanda,Janille,Airam.

I just want to thank these girls for making my day most of the time.

Nana Loh

hey you! i`ve known you through my sis, and i`m thankful for that. I never regretted having a friend like you. Even tho you have your own problems, you still try to cheer up others. You`ve somehow change how i see life. I cant really find the right words to thank you for that. And yes, keep it up with ____ yeah? treasure it. =D love you girl.

Amanda Jermaine Lopez

This woman is one heck of a friend! we`ve known each other for 3 years now(?)
I just wanna thank you for those retarded times. And for giving me strenght when i`m really down. I cant really remember how i met you, but hey, i am thankful that i met such an awesome person like you. You`re loved! and will always be..! =D

Janille Mae Torres Catalan

hoooo boyyy! This girl never fails to make me smile everytime! She`s my "going home" buddy whenever i return to Aes. =D Jan, i cant thank you enough.. for always being there for me. I`ve known you for about a year or so now, but it feels like we`ve known each other for 10 years.. really, it does. Much love to you! =D


Hey you! i may not know you that well, but i always feel that you`re a beautiful person inside out. And goodluck with -you-know-who. (: Thank you for bearing with my retardedness yeah? =D

And before i end..

And to you, yes, you.
after telling you how i feel about you, things somehow have changed. i dont know if its just me who`s thinking too much. But i just got that feeling. I just hope you could give me a chance to express myself to you, but i guess its just too impossible for it to happen. So i`ll just keep on dreaming.. dreaming for the impossible to happen. Hope you`re reading this, which i bet you`re not.

i ♥ you.

9/16/2009 12:19:00 PM

Sunday, August 16, 2009,

all the other girls here are stars—you are the Northern Lights
they try to shine in through your curtains you’re too close and too bright
they try and they try but everything that they do
is the ghost of a trace of a pale imitation of you
I’ll be the one to drive you back home girl
this party is made with the night air and the chance that a smile
will wind its way from your face to one of the boys in your line
you act like you’re hip to their tricks and you’re strong
but a virgin Wurlitzer heart never once had a song
I’ll be the one to drive you back home girl
and I’ll have you back by break of day
I’m going your way anyway
and if you’d like to come along
I’ll be yours for a song
I know you are waiting and I know that it is not for me
but I’m here and I’m ready and I’ve saved you the passenger seat
I won’t be your last dance just your last goodnight
every heart is a package tangled up in knots someone else tied
I’ll be the one to drive you back home girl
so crawl up your trellis and quietly back into your room
and I’ll coast down the length of your drive by the light of the moon
and the next time I see you—a new kind of hello
both our hearts have a secret only both of us know
‘bout the night that I drove you back home girl.

8/16/2009 04:42:00 PM

Tuesday, July 28, 2009,

" I Care "

Lying in my bed i find it hard to sleep tonight
Wondering if you’re thinking of me too
Though i try to close my eyes i`m filled with thoughts of you
Even in my dreams there’s none but you

let me say it one more time
The world’s i keep inside
This heart of mine has something to reveal
That you’re always in my prayer
And this time to you i swear
There’s nothing i won’t do for you
I care

Friends they say that i might fall in love deeply with you
Would you care if what they say is true
Never been like this before and never had a clue
If this is love, i`m sure it’s something new

Oh how i wish you feel the same way for me
Baby when you look at me
That`s how you seem to be.

ps: iloveyou

7/28/2009 05:33:00 PM

Friday, July 24, 2009,

Omgulay! this video cheered me up somehow! haha! just super hilarious! really! but hey! they`re a bunch of cool peepos! Take a look guys! :D btw they`re in-mates from the Philippines. This proves that people can really change for the better hey?

7/24/2009 09:52:00 PM
